Zu unserem Blog mit Inspirationen zu den neuesten Trends und mehr
Online meetings instead of meetings in the office. Online buying instead of going to a retail shop to buy. Online video conferences instead of having your loved ones over to visit. This is our new reality. Are we also given a view into the future? Made true because of the pandemic. The Covid-19 virus. Nevertheless, showing us sooner than expected how our society will develop in the future.
The online shop
As early as the 90s people were starting to see the big opportunities of online shopping. Until today only a small portion of the commerce market is being fulfilled in a digital way. People still decide that it is better to go to a retail shop than to order online. It seems though that this trend will decline with time. Our world is changing. New events challenge our existence. Humans are starting to feel safer at home. This making the online store an essential asset for their everyday life! Products easily delivered to us, with discretion and security. Could it be any better?
New challenges bring new opportunities
Yes, it could. The online shop must change. There cannot just be a single page which a visitor visits and where he buys and then goes, like at a retail store. Our shop must be everywhere. So, what can we do? Simple, we must separate our products from our shop. Products can be sold everywhere. Retail shops must stay in one place. There are a lot of new services out there offering us tremendous opportunities! Use them. But how?
Shops, products and retail
It is a huge market. Be active in all its parts. Create a powerful shop with your unique products, exceptional prices or extraordinary offers. But at the same time use different channels to push your products or services to Google, Amazon or different digital marketplaces. Without too much effort, just use the right tools for the job. We are very experienced with these tools. We can help you achieve a better place in the marketplaces.
The important role of a feed manager
Administer your products the right way. Easily. Automatically. Create rules to filter your data. Create templates for the various services. All through a user-friendly environment from the safety of your workplace. Office or home office? It does not make any difference. In the digital world we offer the best digital tools – at your grasp!
The future
Huge changes are coming to our world. People change. Societies change. Commerce changes. Embrace the change and place yourself at the top of the marketplaces. Expand your businesses to cover different markets and target groups. All that with just a few clicks! We are here to support you! We have the expertise! We will use it! Contact us now about our feed manager tool!
Zu unserem Blog mit Inspirationen zu den neuesten Trends und mehr
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